Election post

Advertising, Marketing, and PR. I didn't realize how important these were until very recently. These elements help build brands and communicate with target audiences, and without this, most firms would not be able to sustain. After completing courses on Digital Marketing and Media Analytics, I developed a thorough understanding of market research techniques, social media, and web analytics leading me to apply, and successfully receive a three-week spring internship with Trash Gxng, a streetwear clothing brand rooted in social impact.
Leadership positions in Humanitarian Society and events like TEDx and MUNs not only fostered ideas of civic-mindedness and team development but also integrity and determination. My diverse experience in this sector includes being Brand Ambassador of The Curators, a Premium British Made Protein & Keto Snacks firm, member of the Social Media Marketing Team of CorStitch, a social enterprise, and Student Ambassador of UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies. After every experience, I realized how marketing and advertising gave a voice to products, products that were ideas of hardworking and sincere innovators. Not only do I want to continue doing giving a voice and channel for these innovators, but I want to encourage people around to do so as well. To explore themselves creatively, whilst promoting products that are better for the society.