Election post

- Ensure all UCL activities are sustainable, accessible, and inclusive
- Foster inter-society and club communication with an online hub for exec committee, so collaboration is effortless and support is readily available
- Make sure there’s plenty of society events, socials, and sports leagues all year long
- Improve storage spaces for socs and clubs- the archery range is long overdue a makeover!
Plus, as a union rep, I will:
- Fight for UCL to rejoin Stonewall
- Stand in solidarity with UCU and UNISON strike action
- Support pro-BDS and Free Palestine campaigns
I've worked across societies, clubs, and networks as President and Events Officer of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Soc, running regular collaborative events and fundraisers both online and off over the past couple of years. I aided in setting up the Niche Societies Network, which continues to host inter-society events every term, and helped revive SFFS post-pandemic, nearly tripling its membership. I know the ins and outs of activities, and I’m here to make actionable change on your behalf.
I’m driven, hardworking, and I get stuff done. As a queer student, I know the importance of being represented and heard in leadership, and want to make sure everyone involved in activities at UCL gets their say.
If you like where I’m coming from, you might like to vote for my friends, too: Jenna for Education, Daria for Welfare & Community, Anoushka for Union Affairs, and Mustafa for Equity & Inclusion!