Nominations: Nominations closed
Voting: Voting closed
I participated in several sports in high school including football, swimming, volleyball, track and field, etc. However, in university, I have become more involved in fight related sports such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts and Boxing. I feel that regular ABACUS fight nights might be a fun addition to the existing mix of sports events! Additionally, I feel that I am also suited to the role of welfare officer given that I have done a risk assessment for numerous events in high school. I am familiar with navigating and identifying the dangers or potential issues that events may face. I am also quite a tolerant person and am well prepared to listen to any issues and concerns that members may have. As such, I feel that I would be a valuable addition to the ABACUS management team.

Hi everyone! I am running for Welfare Officer/Sports Secretary because I hope to ensure that ABACUS remains a safe and active environment for all. Having been part of the society for 2 years, I have been able to make lifelong friends through the various events and would love the opportunity to get others involved.
The overall welfare of the club is key. As a bubbly yet hardworking individual, I will do my best to safeguard against any issues to maintain a supportive and respectful environment for members to have fun. In particular, gender and racial barriers, harassment and discrimination will not stand, and I promise to be there for anyone who encounters any issues in this regard.
In terms of sports, I intend to continue organising various dodgeball, basketball and football tournaments with other universities, as well as outings to go bowling or ice-skating. I also hope to potentially introduce events under the This Girl Can campaign to create an inclusive platform for members to make friends. As part of the squash and lacrosse teams at UCL, I believe that I have the dedication, leadership, teamwork and communication skills needed to see things through in this role.
On the whole, I aim to act as a point of contact for anyone who may have concerns relating to any inappropriate behaviour or sporting concerns, or simply just as a friendly presence in the day-to-day goings of the club. I am always open for a chat and I hope you will trust me with this role.

As an avid member, I have thoroughly enjoyed my year participating in events from the Chinese New Year dinner to the Indigo party. The society has provided me with an inclusive space where I feel free to network with members and discuss our passions. I am motivated to extend my feelings to all members next year by continuing our society’s great strides in inclusivity as the Welfare Officer. I am determined to ensure that all members have equal representation, and benefit to the fullest from our society’s events, regardless of their cultural backgrounds, race, gender, class, religion, etc. By proactively supporting mental health and tackling issues of discrimination, I hope to forge an inclusive society where you can proudly belong.
If the above resonates with you, come vote for me. Should you have any enquiries, feel free to ask via Thank you!

My name is Gia, I am a 1st Year Linguistics student hoping to stand for Sports Officer! I believe this position is most clearly aligned with how I might contribute to this year’s ABACUS committee.
To begin with, I thoroughly enjoy the events that the society holds and have many sporting ideas that the UCL student body would be enthusiastic about. To keep competitive events going whilst promoting more inclusive activities, I want to hold a social mini-golf event. This would appeal greatly to members that previously lacked an introductory avenue to the sporting side that ABACUS has to offer.
As for myself, I have a big background in sports, namely Basketball, Football and Volleyball being those I was most actively involved in, with either team play or coordination. Furthermore, I consider myself experienced in events management. As Head Student for example, I was responsible for organising the school’s Sports Day, in which I had to ensure that a multitude of outdoor Athletics events ran smoothly for the whole school.
Above all, I hope to make our sports a more fun and appealing platform for the members, and I hope that through your vote of confidence, you see the same social potential that this side of ABACUS has to offer!