Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

I would like to firstly connect myself and the whole student community living in James Lighthill Hall to make sure I could know well about students’ current accommodation life and help improve it in time. Additionally, bridging the gap between James Lighthill student community and the UCL accommodation team is also important, which ensures that all the potential problems for students are resolved and accommodation life for students are enjoyable. Lastly, I would help connect the student community to facilitate a helping and inclusive living environment!

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

Back to my senior high school life, I was appointed as the dormitory rep and did a quite good job. I helped resolve conflicts between roommates and communicate with dormitory staff to seek for solutions regarding students’ living problems. Basically, this previous experience of being dormitory rep would make me a qualified Hall Rep.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

As an international student, I am totally aware of possible challenges we may face during dormitory life, so I would be a considerate Hall Rep caring about every aspect of Hall life that students may not be comfortable with. Also, I am an outgoing and talkable person, so if I could be the Hall Rep, you could always have someone to talk to whenever you feel bad about anything. Just come and have a chat with me! I would also hold socialising or other kinds of activities during weekends and holidays for students to have more chances to meet new people in this Hall and have fun besides schoolwork.