Election post


I know how painfully exhausting it is to be doing hundreds of applications for companies that don’t even care to reach back to you, how trying to perfect those CVs and Cover Letters that never seem to get good enough feels like the biggest waste of time, and how discouraging it is to get rejection after rejection without an explanation. This is why during my time as an Interim Executive at Guild this year, I did my absolute best to help people just like you and me to put their best foot forward in their dream industry by organising events and helping them connect, network, and get first hand hints and tips from people who work at Goldman, Amazon, BCG, and etc.

The Guild Academy is all about supporting you, inspiring you to aim high, and teaching you the tricks to do so effortlessly… And I’ll be more than happy to continue my work as a Guild Academy Executive and help you land the internship and graduate offers from your DREAM company!