Election post


Hi, my name is Faye.

I am a third year History student, and I would love to be considered for the position of Welfare Officer.

The Female Lead Society stands for everything that is most integral to me: female empowerment. Progression of women within society is a key and prevalent issue. To me, being a part of the Female Lead Society, will allow me to help solve and understand the challenges that women face.

I’d like to have the chance to contribute to the society, by running for welfare officer. I believe I can contribute to the society by being an advocate for mental health. I would ensure that all members felt in a safe and comfortable space in order to help them get the most out of the society. Mental health should be at the core of any successful society, and I want to ensure that every single member can get the best out of the Female Lead. Having previously volunteered for a charity that’s core motive is to help disadvantaged pupils around London - I have seen the first-hand the impact of how poor mental health can limit a person from fully taking advantage of opportunities in front of them. Having worked with many young girls in this charity, I have also become passionate about helping and encouraging women to make advancements in their careers.

I also hope to contribute to the society in many ways outside of the role as welfare officer, by helping to organise events/socials to help facilitate female success. I will be both an active and continually consistent member of the society. This can be seen through my