Election post


Hello everyone!

I'm Yoki, a first-year biochemical engineering student, and I'm excited to run for the position of Treasurer in the Women's Engineering Society! I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the society for the first year, and I am eager to contribute towards its growth and success. As Treasurer, I aim to implement various initiatives to enhance our society's events and activities. Here's what I plan to do:

  1. Securing Sufficient Funds: I will work diligently to secure ample funds for major events like formal dinners and club nights, ensuring affordable tickets and complimentary drinks for all attendees.
  2. Allocating Budget for Social Events: I will prioritize allocating funds to organize more social events such as bar/club nights, enabling us to plan engaging and enjoyable experiences for everyone.
  3. Maximizing Sponsorships: I will actively seek out sponsorships to provide valuable career and industry talks, inviting professionals who can offer insights and guidance to our members.
  4. Creating Affordable Merchandise: I will explore options to produce merchandise like hoodies and bucket hats at reduced prices, allowing more members to proudly represent our society.

Why choose me?

  1. Organizational Skills and Attention to Detail: My strong organizational skills and keen attention to detail will ensure that funding and purchases are managed efficiently and accurately.
  2. Experience in Event Organization: My previous 3 years involvement in local healthcare community has provided me with valuable experience