Election post


Hi - my name is Natalie Bishop, and I am running to be one of your Clinical Skills Coordinators for next year. 

Despite many medical students having a passion for surgery, there are limited opportunities for us to practice skills during our time at medical school. As a clinical skills coordinator, I hope to provide more hands on experience with many basic surgical skills including suturing, scrubbing in, and handling instruments. I aim to provide further opportunities to shadow surgeons in specific areas of our members' interest. Whatever your previous surgical experience, I hope to work with the other coordinators to provide interactive and effective sessions to further our development as future surgeons. The format of these will vary from meeting face to face and getting hands on practice, to virtual sessions to ensure everyone learns in a comfortable, enjoyable environment that suits them.

As Community Outreach and Development officer for RUMS netball this year, and incoming 1s captain for next season, I have experience working with others as a team. Being responsible of the admin of the 1s over the past three years as vice-captain has developed my organisation and communication skills. Finally, my experience with the surgical team at GOSH during my intercalated BSc has left me with good contacts and rapport with surgeons, with specialities ranging from plastic surgeons to general surgeons. 

Thank you for reading and I would really appreciate your vote!