Election post


Having been to some horizon-broadening events at the Student Action Against Homelessness Society, I believe that I possess the ability to host such events and increase outreach. I think that this cause deserves greater recognition and engagement from the student body. Here are some ways I plan to contribute to this:

  • Cover a wider range of topics that are immediately relatable to students, especially at the beginning of the year to boost membership
  • Organise pub quizzes and night out fundraisers in collaboration with other societies
  • Collaborate with other student-led volunteering projects to create volunteering opportunities for our members
  • Streamline communication with the Students’ Union to ensure timely execution of our events
  • Host informative speaker events followed by socials to help members discuss issues while fostering a sense of community

I’m looking forward to being part of the society and meeting all of you at our future events!