Election post


I am currently studying Psychology and Language Sciences, where I have learnt a lot about sign and the community of those who are deaf/HOH. Through my course I have seen some of the disadvantages this community faces, one of which being fewer opportunities in higher education. Although I am not a part of the deaf/HOH community myself, I am trying my best to learn sign and raise awareness of these issues and I think the best way to do this would be through social media! Being the social media officer would also expose me to more BSL, which would be amazing for my own skills.

So, on top of managing group chats and posting about general events, I would love to target some of our social media presence to the general public - everyone should be aware of and exposed to sign language in some shape or form! 

I also pride myself on my creativity, so I’m sure I can fulfil this role in a fun and interactive way!!