Election post


As one of the training officers this past year, I have loved having the opportunity to redesign the training programme, recruit and get to know our lovely volunteers and (at long last) go into schools and empower young people through sex education! It is a cause that is so close to my heart, and being able not only to teach in schools but also to train our new volunteers was just so much fun. I am proud of the programme Daniel and I introduced to Sexpression UCL, we worked so hard to create a more detailed 'curriculum' and resources for our volunteers to use and I'd like to think that our work made a difference. There is always more to improve on, however, and I look forward to listening and learning from our volunteers in the coming year in the hopes of further refining the training programme. Separate to the training programme, I would like to see Sexpression UCL host more events such as the Abortion Unwrapped event and Consent Workshop we had this year and hope to have a role in supporting this. I am so proud to have watched and helped Sexpression to grow and recover post-pandemic and I cannot wait to see us blossom further next year :)