Election post


Hi! I’m Louis and I would love to be the Head of Events at Rare FM this year. I’ve served on the committee before; in 2020-21, I was Treasurer, so I understand how Rare FM works. I’ve since studied in Texas on my year abroad, and served as the Booking Intern for KVRX radio station. In this role, I booked rock, hip hop and electronic shows, and worked with artists such as Yard Act, Walt Disco, and We Don’t Ride Llamas. Austin’s student radio station put on some amazing events this year, and I will bring that energy to Rare FM! Here are my main goals if I am elected as Head of Events:

  • VARIETY OF EVENTS: Mix of club nights, hip hop shows, and indie gigs under Rare FM’s name. I hope to talk to the Union about using UCL spaces for these events, but also with local venues such as 229 London, The Lexington, and Powerhaus. I'd also reach out to ULU about using their space, potentially in collaboration with other unis
  • BUDGETING: All events will work within a strict budget while putting on the best events with the best acts we can afford!
  • COLLABORATION: I would love to collaborate with as many societies at UCL as possible, both music societies (Live Music, Jazz, Hip Hop) and others (Savage), as well as student radio stations across London, and further afield.
  • BRING BACK RAREFEST: Rare FM used to put on a small festival, but I don't think it's happened since Covid – I’d love to bring it back!