Election post


As a pole fresher this year and second year undergrad in Biology at UCL I found it difficult to socialize within the society due to the 500 members this year as well as the small number of people per classes. I only just got beginner classes last term and found it easy to make friends with girls in my group—I realized the issue with socialization this year isn't with the people (obviously!) but with time available to meet others.

As your social sec and someone who loves a boozy night out and ALWAYS encourages one, I would organize weekly sportsnights with fun themes at Scala and occasionally at different venues like for pub quizzes, comedy club night, and welcome drinks at the beginning of each term to encourage people to come to Phineas and Scala with people they've met. I will of course be there for all socials to look after everyone and make sure they have a good time, work on getting an established table at Phineas, and set up drinking games for sportsnight to engage and integrate freshers.

With so many members, I think more and inclusive sportsnights are necessary to foster a community feel within pole (because everyone's so friendly!) and ensure no one is too intimidated to join everyone. Thanks for your consideration and I hope I get your vote!