Election post


I have enjoyed being part of the photo society this year and believe that it has a lot of potential. The events have been great, but there haven’t been many of them! I would like to work on improving and innovating the society.

I will ensure that there are more collaborative events and photoshoots across societies, including working with MODO (the fashion society) and other societies. Other societies, like the Film Society, host regular workshops. I would like to organise similar events for experts from the photography industry to come in and share their expertise with us.

Previously, the society had an on-campus darkroom. I would like to work with the SU to see if it would be possible to get these facilities back as this would be great for members.

Photowalks are a great way to meet people and usually have an excellent turnout! Whilst they require some paperwork, I am committed to this and will organise them much more regularly.

I will work with the committee to organise more competitions and other ways to showcase work of members, for example through improving the society’s social media presence.

The society should be what its members want it to be, therefore I will implement an online form for feedback (which will have an anonymous option) to let everyone who has great ideas have their voice heard.