Election post


Hey there! I’m Rifa, an incoming final year BSc Pharmacology student and am running for the position of treasurer.

Before I move on to talk about my aims and plans for the upcoming year if I’m elected, I’d like to first let you all know that this is not my first time as the treasurer! I have been the treasurer of this society last year as well and am hoping to take the society even further in the upcoming academic year if I am re-elected for the position. So all your votes and support count tremendously!

If elected, these are a few things I plan on doing in the new year:

~ More socials! I’m not gonna lie, we are a new society and we all had to learn as we progressed this academic year. But one thing I believe the society lacked this year was more casual socials. Just meeting up and catching a break once in a while, beyond our academics, can be just as amazing as academic events. 

~ UCL Pharmacology Soc Merch. Along with the other members of the committee this year, I intend to bring in our very own Pharmacology Soc Merch and I promise they’ll be unique and worth the money.

Leave the money concerns to me. I will try my best to ensure that everyone’s ideas and thoughts are put into the society successfully, and as the treasurer, it is my job to make sure that budgeting for all future events should not be a cause of concern for anyone with new ideas! So throw in whatever you have in mind on the table and I will be there to support in every way I can!