Election post


Hi, I’m Signe and am running for events sec!! 

Firstly, I would love the opportunity to be more involved with ucl netball next year. I am super organised so feel I would be capable of arranging the end of season Netball Ball as well as the inter club charity tournament. It would be amazing to get everyone in the club involved in these events and make sure everyone feels welcome and included. 

Secondly, being part of the netball committee gives me the chance to get more stuck into ucl netball and return the love I felt in my first year. 

As events sec I would like to add more options for non-alcohol drinkers at the ball and ensure the inter club tournament includes as many other clubs as possible. So all I have left to say is…

Vote for me if you want the biggest and best events UCNC has ever seen (probably the only candidate as well ;D)