Election post


Hi everyone! I'm Annabel and I'm currently in 2nd year studying medicine. Being involved in the music and concerts in UCL music society has honestly been the highlight of my year and I’m really looking forward to contributing to the society in the future.

My commitment to the society so far as Orchestra Manager shows I am organised, hard-working and willing to do more than necessary to ensure that rehearsals and concerts run smoothly and everyone has a good time. In addition to helping to hold over 100 auditions at the start of the year and running orchestra rehearsals, I’ve also organised extra events for the orchestra including a pizza and film night and a Christmas dinner and photocopied (many, many!) scores to make sure everyone can practice. My involvement in multiple clubs within the society this year including Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Choir and being part of the committee means I know the how the society runs, the events that happen each year and how money will likely need to be spent next year.

As treasurer, I’d ensure deadlines are met in a timely fashion and be proactive about problems that might arise. I understand that following Covid, the society’s money is a bit tight so I’d ensure money is being spent wisely, transparently and fairly between groups.

Most of all you should vote for me because I’m passionate about the society and making sure everyone can enjoy music at UCL!