Election post


Having gained experience of being in the RUMS Music Committee over previous years (previous Heartstrings Leader and Publicity Officer), I would hope to make RUMS Music as accessible as possible, as potential Treasurer. This would include:

  • Finding more opportunities for funding – there are various opportunities for funding (especially for events) from both the Students Union and external sources. I would aim to be proactive in researching into different medical and musical organisations and see whether they could provide any funding/ benefits for our society.
  • Keeping Events as cheap as possible – as we hope to increase the amount of events we have, I would hope to keep them as financially accessible as possible through research and supporting the Events and Welfare Officer, Anji. 
  • Funding Equipment – as a previous Publicity Officer (and unofficial photographer), I understand how important equipment is in keeping a society sustainable. I would hope to look into sources of funding for a tripod, so that every group is able to have a video of decent quality, and a microphone in order to record performances.
  • More merchandise – having experience designing and printing merch for Sexpression UCL, I understand the logistical, creative, and technical aspects of getting merchandise done. As Treasurer, I would hope to offer more of a range of merchandise/ more interesting options!