Election post


Accarrythmia has been a part of my life for the past 8 months now and it's brought me simultaneously some of the most wholesome, yet most chaotic moments of my first year, so my goal is to make even more of these memories possible next year. 

One of the best parts of accarrythmia is how tight-knit our little community is and I'd like to make sure this remains at its core next year. I plan to host thing from post-practice pizza socials to bigger karaoke nights and will work towards getting hospital carolling events back up and running again next year since this hasn't happened again due to Covid-19. I thought it could also be fun to work together with Chordiac Arrest to have karaoke socials and possibly perform a piece as a mixed group.

As tradition, we've done loads of classics, like "LOVE" and "Dream a Little Dream of Me", which I feel is a must to continue next year! However, I think that, alongside keeping these pieces, we could try a wider range of songs and have different themed weeks every once in a while: Destiny's Child week, musical theatre week, and more to switch things up a bit and get even more people to come and join in on our sessions :)

Manifesting another fun year of accarrythmia! :3