Election post


I have a clear vision for the MedTech Portal to be an interactive platform where members have access to a comprehensive resource database to explore and find their own interests, and also to provide an introduction for new students to understand what MedTech society is about. With previous experience in managing websites, recording podcasts and writing newsletters, I believe I have the necessary skills to facilitate the growth and development of the MedTech Portal.

Here are a few key points that I plan to achieve:

  1. Maintain up-to-date information on the portal, including a timeline showcasing past and upcoming events, recent podcasts and newsletters, featuring companies and corresponding internship or research opportunities.
  2. Provide a comprehensive resource repository that showcases the latest advancements within the MedTech field, including research papers and case studies. Members can also recommend topics that we can look into by contacting us through an online form, promoting knowledge sharing to the rest of the society.
  3. Potentially introduce features for online discussions such as forums, as well as a feedback mechanism in order to identify areas for improvement and make changes accordingly, so that the portal aligns with the aspirations and needs of our members.
  4. Revamp certain interfaces within the portal and ensure functionality of each subpage and hyperlink, so that members can easily access resources, ultimately providing a seamless, user-friendly experience.