Election post


You, my fellow karter, are the driving force of the karting society. It is your voice, your suggestions, your praise, and your complaints that drive us to continually improve the karting society.

We want the society to run as smoothly as possible, but we know that this isn't an easy task. There will moments when you wish to voice your opinions, where you need to talk to someone and let yourself be heard. Or maybe, you just want to talk to someone who understands you and your struggles. That is exactly why I ask you to lend me your vote. I will both listen to you and speak on behalf of you. I will ensure your voice does not go unheard, or unnoticed.

Having led several projects and teams in the past, I know exactly how important the community is to us. How important it is that you are satisfied with us, and how far we can go when we have the trust and support of the community. With your vote, I know I will be able to bring about the changes and experience needed to do just that.

I am currently working with the newly elected president in order to implement a fully functional server on discord, where we have a separate feedback channel for you to voice your opinions. 

Apart from this, you will be able to contact me via email, as well as on WhatsApp, whenever you need advice, help, or even to complain about something you dislike. 

Thank you for reading, and I am looking forward to working with you in the future!