Election post


Hi, I’m Sam. I’ve been training regularly with UCL Judo club for the last two years and went to my first competition recently. I have very much enjoyed training with the club but there a few changes that I will try and make if you choose to elect me for my president:

  1. Reintroduce regular socials: one per half term, it helps create a sense of unity in the club
  2. Move the Saturday session to the Mandela Studio: the squash court we are currently in does not give us enough room to have a proper training and do randori
  3. Secure a club budget for regular competition next year: the union should pay for the competition fees, not the competitors
  4. Update the UCL judo club website: it looks a bit outdated and displays the wrong timings for the Sunday session which occasionally causes someone to wander in halfway through the session
  5. Grow the UCL judo club social media presence: putting out regular content on Instagram is a good way to gain new members and keep the current ones coming

These are the key ideas, but I am open to suggestion for anything else anyone believes is important.

Thank you.