Election post


hello :)

My name is Noella, I’m currently finishing up my Natural Sciences undergrad at UCL and will be back next year for a master's in Risk and Disaster Science. I would love to continue in Jazz soc as your next Media & Publicity Manager! I have been on Committee since 2020, as Choir Manager and Jam Manager. A few new things that Jazz began this year and which I would like to continue are the weekly summaries prefacing our emails, the return of merch (!!), and working with the union on promotional content. This last point is something I was able to be a part of directly this year, and I think it’s a great way for freshers especially to find out about our events. I would definitely like to:

- expand the range of merchandise offered 

- improve how we share resources online 

- take & share more photos and videos from our weekly events 

Through past roles on Jazz Committee, I have become familiar with both the resources & range of events we offer. I think this would make me a great fit for the role, especially as I’ve also got experience with social media:

- created a Wiki for the Jam

- designed this year’s committee intros, welcome post, & women's day post for 

- organised the team that created last year’s ‘Jazz and Protest’ video with the UCL Justice Collective 

- liaised with Pi Media and the last committee to co-create a content series for BHM 2020 

I hope this has been enough to make you consider voting for me as your next Media & Publicity Manager!


Noella <3