Election post


Hi! I've been an active member of jazz choir this year and absolutely loved every minute of it. Having participated in the jazz shows in both term 1 and term 2, as well as getting to know lots of lovely people in jazz, I would love to take a leading role in the jazz choir. I would ensure the spirit of inclusivity continues and welcome absolutely anyone and everyone to sing with us on Tuesdays, as it's great to see so many new faces every week and see everyone enjoy the wonderful music Ryan teaches us. Alongside having lots of ideas for music, promotion and co-ordinating all the lovely people in the choir, I think I'd be a great fit to make everyone feel welcome, keep things running smoothly and get people as many opportunities to sing as possible! It'd be great to show off our talent and fun spirit in smaller shows like the Christmas pop-up, giving everyone the chance to have a musical break from the stress of uni through singing, with easy-to-learn songs and less pressure!