Election post


My name is Zhe Kai, and I am running for Client Relations Executive of the UCL Investment Society. Having joined UCLIS this year as a First year, I’ve worked closely with the society and its members, having become well acquainted with the inner workings and many members of the society. I’m familiar with what makes the society already great, and what can be done to make it better. Having garnered much experience dabbling in various UCL societies, I feel that the Investment Society holds incredible potential. 

As an Anthropology Student, I have what it takes to work with people from around the world, possessing the necessary skills to help UCLIS relations among UCL societies and beyond flourish. Just as I am equally committed to upholding the hard work of last year’s committee, my aim is to help consolidate a good foundation for next year’s UCLIS committee and in posterity. 

My passion for bringing people together, for enriching the lives of students of all backgrounds, leads me to seek a position as Client Relations Executive. I hope everyone can support me in my mission to create and promote a more exciting and inclusive society, capable of catering to all walks of life.