Election post


My name is Chiara and I’m a first year geography student. I’m running for Treasurer because I want to maximise sponsorship opportunities and carefully manage the Society’s funds, as these are essential in financing an ambitious and fun year’s programme for all our members!


Some of my aims are:

  • Revitalising fee structure to ensure that membership provides excellent value for money which would encourage more members and funds leading to more exciting and dynamic events. 
  • More collaboration with other societies and universities on events. This allows the financial responsibility to be shared, resulting in greater diversity in and a more extensive programme of these. 
  • Sourcing sponsorship opportunities for society events.
  • Working with businesses and organisations to try and obtain discounts and freebies for our members. 


In the past I have secured sponsorship funding from businesses for a charity project and have managed the accounts for a school student run café. I was responsible for managing and purchasing the stock and monitoring the cash and floats. As a first year rep for both the International Relations Society and Geography Society, I have had a taste of committee responsibility so understand the duties and commitment. 


With this experience, I will make sure members get the most from International Relations this year and that we have the finance to provide exciting events for everyone! Thanks for voting :))