Election post


Hi everyone!

My name is Moulika, and I'm running for the Academic Events Director role at the International Relations Society. As a BSc Politics and International Relations student, I'm passionate about the field and eager to share my enthusiasm through curating exciting and thought provoking events.

I've noticed that International Relations and diplomacy tend to be approached from a Eurocentric perspective, despite the diversity of voices and experiences worldwide. As the Academic Events Director, I'll work closely with the Diplomacy Society and other cultural societies to organise embassy visits that showcase the diversity of diplomatic relations. By liaising with other societies, we can create inclusive and multicultural events, deepening students' understanding of diplomatic relations from a variety of perspectives.

In addition, my work experience with HM Treasury has provided me with valuable contacts in the government and policymaking sector. I would love to leverage these connections to bring in speakers from the Treasury. This would give our members a unique opportunity to learn directly from those who are shaping national and international policy, and to engage in thought provoking discussions on current affairs.

Thank you for considering my candidacy for the Academic Events Director role. I aim to bring fresh ideas and create inclusive events for all members.

Moulika :)