Election post


Having grown up in Malawi, studying in the UK and being from India, I have been exposed to a plethora of cultures which is what my deep interest in politics and the topics Her Campus explores, has stemmed from, and therefore, would love to be part of the events team.

After being Her Campus' Events Officer for a year, I have truly enjoyed organising events and working with the Her Campus team. I learnt a lot from the events that we have hosted and therefore, believe this knowledge will help me plan and execute more events in the following year. One important aspect of events is making new members feel welcome and therefore, if I were to be events officer I would ensure that events catered to the needs of new members whilst simultaneously making them educational for all attendees.

I have a lot of experience planning events as I co-founded my own organisation called WomenEmpower. Running this truly developed my organisational skills as we hosted sessions every month which had expert speakers and often more than 50 attendees. I learnt a lot of skills in member cohesion and engagement as well as the importance of creating an environment where people felt the most comfortable to participate and share their knowledge.

I hosted a webinar for Her Campus on the importance of minority gender representation in the workplace, member socials, and trips to Queer Britain and hope to be able to organise more events like this and also explore the range of activities available in London!