Election post


As a queer woman of colour, I have always been really interested in promoting equality and raising the voices of marginalised groups. I have enjoyed the work of genfem soc from more of a distance over the past year however next year I definitely want to be more involved within the society. I would love to play a part in representing the voice of BAME students within the society - I have always found my identity as a brown woman to be a huge part of my life, and I think it is so important to bring the issues that we face to the forefront of society, especially in a country like ours with political climate that seems to continue to preach intolerance. I would find it a privilege to be able to highlight the experiences of all people of colour within our society, especially women, non-binary, and other queer people, who face so much intolerance and oppression. Feminism without intersectionality is not feminism, and I think it is incredibly important to not only recognise this, but emphasise it, when we teach messages of equality, tolerance, and acceptance. I really enjoy working both in leadership positions, and with diverse groups of people, and having worked as the equality and diversity prefect at my secondary school, I feel that I would be confident and qualified in taking on this role within the society.