Election post


I hope to use my love and curiosity for music in further developing Delilah Magazine as a great platform which encourages creative expression for people who are passionate about music.  If elected, I look forward to working with the team and publishing regular and refreshing content which covers all genres. Inclusivity is a pillar of Delilah magazine which I aim to strengthen by shedding more light on music by LGBTQ+ and POC artists. I would also like to collaborate with and bring into focus the music societies at UCL.  I love working with and listening to people with different perspectives and interests and being able to present everyone's ideas in a cohesive manner will be my main goal as the Editor in Chief of Delilah Magazine. 

I am a well-motivated and conscientious individual with an ever-increasing passion for music. I have experience as a writer and poet with publications on online platforms like the Reflections magazine and StoryMirror. Being able to contribute to Delilah Magazine and helping create an inclusive creative community that celebrates music is an opportunity that I would love to have.  I am also known for spending more time on Spotify than on Moodle, so I can always be counted upon for bringing in new music for everyone to obsess over!