Election post


Hi my name is Nikita. I’m a big fan of comedy and stand up (especially satire and dark humour), and I’ve always seen art forms as one of the best forums for addressing various d&i issues and providing people with a voice. Personally I fall in a number of d&i categories: I’m gay, mixed-race (half Chinese half Indian), neurodivergent, and an international student. I grew up facing racism, bullying and homophobia which has shaped me into someone who is innately attuned to d&i issues.

Comedy has been known to, at times, tread the fine line between a joke and something that might be considered offensive. I have the ability to objectively consider differing viewpoints, and would be adapt at resolving conflicts if the need arises. I also believe that it is important to keep in mind that no one starts out at uni on the same footing as everyone else, and accommodate for that to the best of our ability. I would be honoured to have an opportunity to contribute and provide a safe and inclusive space for everyone in the society, and have no doubt that I would be giving it my 100%.