Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Zhenya and I study Geography. I was reluctant about joining societies when starting at UCL but joining the Cheese Grater was an amazing decision. I focus mainly on Investigations, Sketch and most importantly, the post meeting pub crawls.

As welfare officer I aim to create a space for everyone and anyone to come and share their concerns or just come for a chat if things get a bit hard. At my previous school I received an Ofqual level 2 counselling degree which helped me learn proper listening skills and ways to provide support without directly instructing one to do something. Any concerns, not matter the severity will be taken seriously.

I will make sure there is a link for weekly welfare hours online. However if needed, I’m happy to allocate individual sessions and work around people’s schedules considering my degree is not the most academically challenging (as my peers love to remind me).

My company is always a completely private non – judgement zone and I aim to ensure everyone’s concerns are correctly addressed and responded to. I hope to be able to provide a happy and comfortable space to talk about whatever is on your mind that day even if its complete bs. Thanks !<3