Election post


Hello friends, my name is Jamie, and I have been in the society since the beginning of this year. 

If you have had the pleasure of meeting me your probably think I don't need to read anymore this guy has definitely got my vote, however if there is another candidate (we can only pray) then I strongly urge you to vote for them, but if we're honest nobody wanted this role in the first place and theres probably not going to be anybody else. So I guess either vote for me or to re-open nominations, the latter is probably the smartest choice. 

I'm applying for the role of President because apparently without one the society won't exist, and if I'm honest I quite like the magazine. Over the past year I've mainly been involved with the investigations and drinking side of the society, publishing the months long investigation into sexual harassment at halls alongside one of your new, most diligent Editors-In-Chief. I seem to have some sort of idea about the magazines structure having spent too much time with the current editors, and I reckon I would be alright at keeping the society organised.

If elected I want the magazine to continue to annoy the right people and expose how sh*t UCL can be, whilst maintaining our great, witty, intelligent, satirical humour (we need a new humour editor btw).

I promise, if unfortunately elected, to be the best puppet President the society has seen and do whatever (within reason) everybody wishes.

Cheers xoxo