Election post


Since joining UCLBC, I have been a dedicated member; a regular at bow on the Novice Women’s 8. With a year of life at the club, and the experience of being in the novices, Dan and I will create an atmosphere that is welcome to all newcomers. Though my 2k time is not as quick as Dan’s (7mins 50secs), my pint time is relatively close to his – down in 10 seconds. Solidarity amongst all members of the club is key, especially in this sport. To achieve this, the socials will attempt to bridge the gap between the novices and the seniors, with a family system bringing together novice and seniors rowers and coxes. Dan and I promise to bring a range of non-alcoholic socials to spend quality time together whilst still enjoying ourselves – picnics, Go Ape, mini golf and even erg championships within families. Moving to the alcoholic side, we promise that pres together before Scala will be essential each week; including drinking games and rules to get everyone excited for the night ahead as well as collaborating the novices and seniors (we may even have collaborations with other sports teams!). There will be the opportunity for a dress code or theme each week at Scala, with a social tour also on the cards. A sense of togetherness is what we want to bring to the club through the social side, to ensure a great time is had by all both on the water and the land.