Election post


Though relatively new to the sport, I am very committed to rowing, winning athletes’ athlete, training occasionally with the seniors, and consistently stroke-seating the first NM boat. However, rowing is not just about low splits — I’m pretty proud of my 7:08 2k given my relative novelty, but beside it stands my 8 second pint chop, proudly achieved in the name of UCLBC. A necessary element of rowing, you see, is the social scene, for this not only provides a means by which we rowers can fulfil our dreams of university merriment, but also nurtures a key focal point in rowing — camaraderie. A boat with friends is a boat with speed. Accordingly, Katie and I promise to invigorate the social environment of UCLBC. A smaller family system than that in 2018 will tie the club together, seniors and novices, and sober socials will succeed with a host of new ideas such as go-karting, long distance bike rides, pamper day (we want to see nails the colour of UCLBC blades), and a club Minecraft server. ‘Non-sober’ socials, however, will be far from forgotten. Katie and I promise an appropriate degree of choppage, juvenile themes, and houseparty-type preing all to produce a sense of inebriated frivolity on our nights out. None of this, though, will be compulsory or seek to alienate any members who do not wish to partake. As it is for UCL as a whole, inclusivity will be of paramount importance. As social secretaries, Katie and I ultimately just want everyone to have a nice time :)