Election post

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

Ensuring that the UCL Action Against Homelessness Society fulfils its duty to the wider bloomsbury area community of homeless people. 

As welfare officer it is important to ensure that everyone is fulfilling their role safely and cooperating as a team. I will be doing this by remaining actively involved in meetings. 

I would also like to support the soup kitchen and potentially expand this through smaller community engagements in the Somers Town area. 

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I have experience communicating in professional settings and volunteering (charities such as YMCA and small language schools) which makes me expedient and concise, so that people don't waste their time, which when balancing full time education (especially final year) is crucial so members feel adequately supported.

My passion for helping is shown in my experience volunteering with the IWGB Trade Union over the summer which although not related directly to homelessness does convey my ability to manage my time in light of the greater hardship experienced by others.

Please summarise why students should vote for you.

This is an issue that is really close to my heart, I have been supported and done support work for homeless people, I really do think bringing this issue to light and allowing students to participate and help is crucial to have a more grounded UCL in general.

I will be bringing in enthusiasm and realism to the society and hope to engage with members actively, not only regarding the society but also the wider need to tackle the underlying issues that lead to homelessness. 

I really know my stuff and I could really help make this society something really great.