Election post


Why do you want to apply for this role?

I am applying to this role because I want to be a voice for all first years in the society and shape UCLUNA in a way that benefits us the most.

I will push for reimbursement of delegate fees by the society for the more expensive MUN conferences, more events directly related to the United Nations (such as inviting speakers from the UN), and collaborations with other MUN societies (LSE, KCL etc).

I will ensure that first years are always considered in the decisions the society takes, that your feedback is always listened to, and most importantly that you enjoy your time during training sessions, events, and socials.

Why are you suitable for the role?

As a first year representative, I would be an easy point of contact for all members of the society, whether it is to answer questions regarding UCLUNA or MUN conferences, to hear about your ideas for events/socials, to take into account your feedback on how the society is doing, or just for a chat.

I was head of student government and event management at my school during my last two years. I organised events with the French embassy and French diplomatic corps, a prom with 250 attendees, and multiple talks. I have experience representing peers and I will use that experience to ensure 1st years at UCLUNA have a great time.

I have experience in MUNs: I was a member of staff at the last edition of LIMUN and participated in DESMUN, LSEMUN, and ULMUN. I received awards at DESMUN and LSEMUN.