Election post


I am standing to be First Year Rep for the UCL UN Society because I have enjoyed my time at the society so far and believe it is a vibrant and enjoyable community. Therefore I feel a duty to attempt to spread this feeling to everyone who partakes in the society particularly any fellow first years that may feel apprehensive about the society and what it entails. 

As someone new to the MUN scene at university, I am in a perfect position to support my fellow first years  with things such as training and conferences. Additionally, I am very interested in providing ideas about making the UN society even better including ideas about socials as well as additional events that could be put on to foster an even greater community feel in the society.

I believe that I can work well on a committee and have met many of the already well-established members of the UN committee which puts me in good stead to have my ideas and any ideas put to me by fellow first years forward to the committee. Finally, I am committed to attending most conferences and events that the United Nations Society puts on and thus intend to be a permanent and reliable member of the Society. Hopefully, this will allow all members of the society to get to know me on a personal level and feel comfortable to share any concerns or issues with me.

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