Election post


Ever since I picked up my first Nature journal in my hometown library, I've been constantly amazed by the amount of work that goes into delivering someone's months or years’ worth of ideas and thoughts into this concise form that can be shared and discussed among thousands of other passionate scientists. How each line is valued for its correctness and ease of understanding; every figure that needs to be created and made accessible to the readers; each finding that needs to go through a rigorous peer-review process of other experts in the field.

For a long time, I have been passionate about this process, and I would be delighted to be a closer part of it. I believe the position of an Editor for the UCL Review Journal would allow me to delve deeper into how good science is made and published. My previous experiences of scientific communication, be it at poster presentations or just regular lab meetings, offer me a good grounding in understanding of how to make a scientific idea available to as many people as possible. This I would like to achieve by dedicating my efforts to assure each submission is properly assessed and receives adequate peer reviewing and support to deliver its message in the best form possible. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues to supervise every step of the publishing process to make good science, together.