Election post


TED talk is an inspiring platform that brings together the brightest of minds to educate the public. It is a think tank that questions the norms but also brings fresh insight to new ideas to better understand ourselves and society. This platform’s goals to motivate, educate aligns with my personal belief that knowledge should be free and accessible to all.

One thing I feel defines TED talk is its speakers. I still remember scanning through YouTube and stumbling upon a TED talk video, named “The unspoken reality behind the Harvard Gates”. The speaker unveils a different light about going to the most prestigious school. TED talk goes beyond reciting facts, they invoke passion and emotion when speaking about their personal experience or learning journey. TED Talks connect with the audience and sends a deep message for them to take home.

I believe that such an amazing society that brings like-minded individuals together from all over the world to share their wisdom is destined to do great work. I am thrilled and excited to be part of the TED X UCL team to organise events and talks working towards a bigger goal of spreading ideas. I am certain I am up to task and will give my best if chosen as the Treasurer.