Election post


Hi all, as I have been your vice-president to start this year and interim president since the previous president dropped out earlier this year. As I have been your acting president this university year, please vote for me so I can properly undertake the actions I need to be your best President.

Below is a part of my original application for presidency, which I had written last April.

'I've played squash for over ten years, and I have always found a deep love and connection for the game, from playing in Canada as a teenager, through high school as my school's squash captain, and over the past three years at UCL. One thing that makes squash so special to me is the consistent progress that happens between practices and matches. Seeing and feeling oneself improve over time feels amazing and instills confidence, and fuels a desire to continue to learn. Entering my final year at UCL, I would love to embrace the responsibility held as Squash Club President, and look forward to learning about what works best for every one of you so that we can translate it into a special year ahead. As President, my most important values would be transparency and approachability, as I feel like it is through an understanding of both what the community wants and how the club can provide for it that we can most enjoy the privilege it is to play squash. I look forward to spreading the game throughout UCL as a representative of our community.'

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