Election post

What will you bring to this role (e.g. experience, skills or qualities)?

I promise to bring positive change to our beloved SU. Having previously set up two successful start-ups, maintained leadership positions in various organisations such as being leader in a Ted-ed Club, as well as specialising in logistics by pursuing a CPL, I believe I am well suited for this role.

Having observed the functioning of the union first hand, I believe I and many others have recognised how its various processes and functions could be more effectively streamlined and smoothened. I will also be holding regular feedback sessions where you can have your say in what our SU should be.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

My main agenda strives to smoothen inefficiencies, with my two main policies below:

  • Overhauling the functioning of the SU: I will seek to improve the reimbursement process and room booking systems. These are not working well at the moment and I will address these by pushing for a campaign to automate these with less human involvement.
  • Making the SU Accountable: Being part of a society should be fun and exciting, not overshadowed by the prospects of red-tape and mismanagement. I will thus introduce a direct feedback system to make your voices heard by the other members of management.
Please summarise why students should vote for you.

You should vote for me if you want someone with relevant expertise and unprecedented motivation in re-focussing our SU into one that caters to the genuine needs of our students and societies.

Having relevant experience in both leadership and logistics optimisations in various organisations and societies, I hope that you can give me the power to make our SU even more amazing by capitalising on its strengths, consolidating efficiency and ease of communication, reducing red tape to improve your union experience and promote dynamism in our wonderful community.

Let's all make the SU even better!