Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Ayesha and I'm in y2, studying Psychology and Language Sciences. I had such an amazing experience in the society last year and would love the chance to give back :)

Outside of uni, I work with children with disabilities, many of whom rely on BSL to communicate, and it has allowed me to see first hand the incredible difference BSL makes to their lives. 

Last year, I was lucky enough to be freshers’ rep for this society. My favourite part was running the Christmas event with two other unis and if I was to be given this role, I would be sure to keep in contact with other unis to collaborate on future events. I learnt so much and got to meet some really great people, as well as gain an insight into how the committee and organization of the society works.

I have previously been involved in running various platforms including @nebula_wohaa and @hey_itsayesh. I know how to make infographics and posters and have an understanding as to what usually works or doesn’t work, which will be useful in this role. I know that I’ll also have to adapt to this specific role and I am prepared to overcome any challenges that may come my way!

My main aim would be to make our social platforms more exciting and engaging so it can reach a larger audience and raise more awareness within the UCL community and beyond. I would be so grateful for the opportunity to be the social media officer and to work with the committee to help the society be the best it can :)