Election post


- I have been in the committee of PhilSoc since 2020 as the treasurer. I have been involved in a lot of events, including co-holding the annual conference POLIS, the pub socials, philosophy chit-chats and movie nights. Therefore, I am familiar with the operation of PhilSoc.

- I am passionate about making PhilSoc a safe and cozy space for all students. With the previous president, we integrated the PhilSoc into the Student Union in a vision of making philosophy society more inclusive. I am excited for the way forward with the Union.

- I have been one of the two main points of contact for PhilSoc with the Society and the Union. If I am to be elected to be the President, there will be a seamless transition for the society.

- I have lots of exciting plans for PhilSoc! They include: regular guest lectures (I am trying to invite Zizek), lobbying for a philosophy ball at the end of the year, making philosophy chit-chat more accessible to all students from different specialisations, more pub socials!.

- I am always in the department. I am very down-to-earth and nice to talk to. Feel free to come to the philosophy undergraduate common room and strike a conversation with me about anything you want to suggest for the society!