Election post


Hej allesammans!

I have now been a member of the Nordic Society at UCL for two full academic years. In those two years, I have cultivated an immense appreciation for it and its contributions to the Nordic community here at UCL. From ABBA events to cozy trips to the Nordic Christmas markets here in London, it has never failed to act as a comforting reminder of home and I am certain that many students here at UCL feel the same. 

Not only that, but the Society has also served as an exciting point of intercultural exchange for me, allowing me to interact with fellow students from a wide variety backgrounds and share the best of Swedish culture with them. 

As I enter my third and final year here at UCL, it is my hope that I will be able to contribute to the development of the Society's incredibly vibrant and animating culture as one of your principal officers. As the current interim treasurer, I hope that I have been able to do so during my short tenure and hope for your continued placed trust in me.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Tack och hej, leverpastej!



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