Election post


Hi! I'm Chris and I'm standing to be a String Orchestra Manager because I am very passionate about music. I'm a first-year History student and I play cello and piano. 

I have absolutely loved my time in the UCL orchestras and would love to be more involved in String Orchestra as a manager. I would be thrilled to sort out events, source music, deal with social media communications and I also have many ideas for socials. Should problems arise, I would also be very proactive in dealing with them. Additionally, I want to help Mike set up and deal with all the things required of a SO Manager since he is the only one.

To give you an idea of who you're voting for, my three favourite composers are Bach, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky/Dvorak (can't settle on the last one!).

Lastly, I'm standing because I have an unrequited love relationship with Jaffa Cakes and I would like to see them introduced as a break biscuit alongside the Mcvitie's.

