Election post


Hi, I'm Sean, a Year 1 Maths Student and I'd love to be your Freshers' Representative!

I play alto saxophone, piano and sing, and I have loved being in Live Music Society and getting to know everyone, whether it be playing in Extravabandza, an Open Mic event or watching any of the gigs that have already been on! I'd love to get even more involved by standing for Freshers' Rep! 

As a fresher, I can understand the trepidation in terms of joining societies and putting yourself out there, and this may apply especially in terms of music societies as you need to put yourself out there creatively as well (in a live performance no less!). I would seek to help freshers passionate about music help integrate themselves comfortably into the society, such as trying to join a band or find like-minded music people within the society, as well as be a friendly face that you can always talk or pop a message to and ask questions to about anything LM. I can also act as a liaison between freshers and the committee and pass on any requests and inquiries you may have about the society. 

I hope I'll be able to cultivate this amazing society full of talented musicians and contribute more to Live Music Society as your Freshers' Representative!


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