Election post


Hey, I am Kapo Cheung, a first-year Geology student. I am running for Greenough’s undergraduate representative position as I’d like to be more involved with the department community and be in a position to help make a difference. From my previous experience as a Student Leader and the Head Girl at my secondary school, I am passionate about organising events and well-versed in communicating and collaborating with students and staff. Hence, I wish to utilise my leadership and creativity skills to help build up the Greenough community. 

As part of the committee, I would like to: 

  • Represent first-year students, communicating their wants and needs to the committee. 
  • Provide support and help in organising a wider range of activities that attract and increase participation of first-year students.
  • Improve communication methods to make Greenough more approachable and interactive. 
  • Increase collaborations within the department and other Earth Science related activities to provide broader networking opportunities for students.

As an undergraduate rep, I would be in the position to not only represent the student body but also advocate for the student voice. Greenough is what we make it and I want it to be the best version it can be. I want to see changes and improvements happen and I trust that I have the skills and experience required to help achieve them.