Election post


As an existing first year course representative, I believe that I will be able to fulfil the role of society representative effectively and constructively. I'm an outgoing individual who loves interacting with others and have a drive for getting things done. When it comes to event planning and making sure everyone in our group is happy, I like to think my organisational abilities are helpful, and I take pride in that fact.

If possible, I'd love to organise day trips for society members with the committee - this would be constructive way to engage our academic knowledge, but also bond as a society. Anything ranging from bowling, parks, or to exploring another city, hiking etc. This could also be in collaboration with other societies, to further enrich our experiences.

I'd be honoured to serve you as a first-year representative and look forward to the chance to network and learn from you. Thank you for your time and consideration and feel free to get in touch with me if you have any inquiries concerning the societal input I have!

Thank you!