Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Helena and I’m a final year Human Sciences undergrad.

I’m running for Events Officer at the Data Visualisation Society as I believe in the importance of creating impactful and dynamic graphic representations to engage readers and provide strong visual support to information. I would like to help change the misconception that data visualisation is a boring discipline restricted to the academic and corporate world, and portray it instead as a versatile tool that allows us to present all kinds of information in fun and creative ways.

As the Events Officer I will do my best to:

  • Provide balanced workshops on data visualisation tools that combine functionality and creativity, such as Tableau and Power BI, which are popular for academic and corporate use but simultaneously allow for a variety of visual styles.
  • Host themed socials (e.g. Christmas) with a range of fun games, and collaborate with other societies to offer a wider variety of events.
  • Organise events that cater to the members’ wants and needs, whether it is academic, professional, creative etc., and actively listen to the suggestions and opinions of members to plan future activities.